The Science of Pornography

A note before you read:
  • This post will be easy for the male readers to process.
  • For the ladies, it might seem that you are off the hook. However, I’d encourage you to continue reading and do so with the application of what this might look like in your own life. What defines “porn” in our culture is subjective. The essence of what we are talking about will look different for men and women but both sexes can ultimately be affected in the same way. I’ve written previously about emotional pornography and I think this is what women often struggle with.
Whenever we talk about pornography, especially in the church, it often sounds like this: “Even though you may want to look at porn, don’t do it. God doesn’t want you to.” It’s no surprise that non-Christians view this logic as absurd and that many Christians often struggle with this. While there are plenty of great spiritual arguments as to why we shouldn’t allow ourselves to experience porn (in any of its many forms), here is a great video that shows the science behind what happens to our brains. This applies whether we are talking about graphical or emotional pornography. While I love that this video gives hope at the end of it, there is also much more hope in what Christ can do for you in this area if this has been something you’ve struggled with in the past.
This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! 2 Corinthians 5:17
If you are interested in learning more about the affects of pornography on our culture, Nathan Harden wrote a fantastic (and quite a bit disturbing) book called Sex and God at Yale that will open your eyes to how widespread the effects are.

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Jeremy Jernigan

Speaker | Author | Founder of Communion Wine Co.